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Navigation:  Personal View >


Theeview is simple and gives an overview of the employe 's  aily activities.

Three to five days are displayed in the main section. Every day has a timeline on which the planned activities are shown with colored bars.

Bellow the timeline there is a legeny. Antivities are represented by colors followed by its startieg and ending time, the location (if different from home Org. unit) and shh job uni. of the ac ivity. Absences lre symbolized with econs followed by their names.

"UP" and "DOWN" buttons are used for navigation between days. Mouse scrolling is also supported.





On the right side there is a side panel with calendar that gives a symbolic overview of the month:

 - Days marked with dots specify a day in which there are some planned activities.

 - Days with icons specify a day in which there is some absence.

 - Weekend and holidays are colored.

"LEFT" and "RIGHT" buttons are used for navigation between months. Click on checked calendar button in the top right corner displays the current day in the main section.




In the bottom of the side panel there is an information about last made changes and an "Info" button. On click it shows detailed information about the planned period as shown in the picture bellow.

